This o ption is available only with H P Deskjet 990c series printers.ħ englis h contac ting hp customer care HP cust omer care 's servic e and suppor t prov ides expert advice on usi ng your HP Des kjet printer or solving problems with you r printer.Ĩ englis h Link to HP user community forums and HP customer car e email from the HP customer care Website.
1x systems, information about operating the printer is loc ated in an electronic User ’ s Guide. 1x and D OS Win dows 3.1 x u ser s In Windows 3. Sel ect quick help is available in o ther languages at the bottom o f the quick help screen.Ħ englis h v iew ing printer inf o r mation in Windo ws 3. Click th e qui ck he lp button in the hp pr inte r assist ant sc ree n. Dou ble -c lic k the hp prin ter assista nt icon on your computer d esktop.
Inform ation is also pr ovided to hel p you solve printer problems that may occ ur.ĥ englis h If you want to view the manual in one of these languages: 1.
The following ch art indic ates where to find specific ty pes of informatio n.Ĥ englis h v ie wing quick h elp The electronic manual, quick help, of fers instruc tions for using the HP D eskjet printe r. They provi de instruc tions o n how to install the p rinter software, operate the printer, and find help when you need it. Each print cartridge box, and the electronic quick help manual, contain installation instructions.ģ englis h finding inf ormation Sever al docu ments a re include d wi th the H P Deskje t printer. ġ englis h intr odu cing t he hp deskjet printer what’s in t he bo x Thank you for buy ing an HP Deskje t printer! Your pr inter box con tains the follow ing items: Ģ englis h pri nt car tr idg es The HP Deskjet printer box inc ludes both a black and a c olor print cartridge. Adobe and Acrobat are re gistered trade marks of Adobe Systems Incor porated.Įnglis h iii quic k r efer ence guide introducin g the hp de s kjet printer. Ii Editio n 1 October 2 000 Copyrigh t 2000 Hewle tt-Pac kard Company acknow ledgements Microsoft, MS-DOS, an d Windows are regi stered t rademarks of Mi crosoft Corpor ation. Windows Macin tosh quic k r e fer ence guide hp deskjet 990c/980c/9 60c series english.